At Phoenix, we are committed to helping people overcome educational challenges and reach their full potential. We are excited to announce our upcoming and completely free Essential Numeracy and Literacy Skills Course, designed specifically for those who have struggled to reach their true potential in GCSE education.

Why This Course is Essential

Numeracy and literacy are crucial for a person’s academic success and self-confidence. Our course addresses these fundamental skills to help students build a strong foundation for their future learning. Additionally, they will achieve employable qualifications to enhance their career prospects in work or further education (C grade equivalent at GCSE level).

Success Stories

In our previous literacy course, every participant improved their literacy skills with a 100% pass rate, demonstrating the effectiveness of our personalized approach and dedicated instructors. This success highlights our commitment to helping each participant thrive.

Course Overview

Numeracy Skills:

This part of the course focuses on essential math concepts, including numbers, basic operations, and problem-solving. We aim to make numeracy engaging and practical, building confidence in each student.

Literacy Skills:

Students will enhance their reading, writing, and comprehension through interactive activities and guided exercises. Our goal is to boost vocabulary, grammar, and overall communication skills.

Benefits of the Course

1. Tailored Support: Personalized attention ensures that each student progresses at their own pace, addressing their specific needs.

2. Supportive Environment: Our nurturing atmosphere encourages questions, learning from mistakes, and celebrating achievements.

3. Increased Confidence: Positive reinforcement and visible progress to help build self-confidence and motivation.

4. Practical Skills: Students gain useful skills that apply directly to their schoolwork and daily life. Examples include:

  • reading a newspaper for the first time to find out what is happening in their community
  • filling in a job application form and succeeding as a result
  • reading notes from their children’s school
  • helping children with their homework for the first time
  • using the internet to keep in touch with family and friends

Course Details

The Essential Numeracy Skills course will begin every Thursday from 26/09/2024 – 12/12/2024 @1:30-4:30pm and the Essential Literacy Skills course will begin in January thereafter- details to follow soon. See the Events Calendar for more information.

Get In Touch

To enroll, fill in the Numeracy and Literacy Essential Skills forms in the links provided.

For more information, please contact us via email at Our team is ready to help with registration and answer any questions.

Secure essential skills and build a brighter future today. Join us at Phoenix Education Centre NI to improve your educational skills.

For updates, follow us on Instagram @phoenix_ed_ni, Facebook @Phoenix Education Centre NI or visit our website at

We look forward to welcoming you!